About Lithitate®?

Lithitate® is the brainchild of Dr. Thomas Guttuso, Jr., MD, Professor of Neurology, University at Buffalo.

After Dr. Guttuso became interested in lithium supplementation’s potential to support the aging brain, he eventually realized there were two big problems:

1) Despite much evidence showing lithium supplementation to support cognitive function and brain health with aging,*^ the general population had almost no awareness of this.

2) Further research on lithium was needed; however, it was extremely difficult for researchers to obtain the funding necessary to support this research. Dr. Guttuso knew first-hand how challenging and frustrating this was for a researcher. It took him over five years preparing and submitting 17 grant applications before finally securing a small grant to perform a pilot clinical trial using lithium.

To address the first problem, Dr. Guttuso wrote a book entitled The Promise of Lithium to educate the world, in easy-to-understand language, about the evidence showing lithium supplementation to support cognitive function and brain health with aging.*^ Subsequently, Dr. Guttuso provided interviews about the book for the apple podcast When Life Gives You Park… and a 4-part video podcast on YouTube called Modern Healthspan.

To address the second problem, Dr. Guttuso’s company, e3 Pharmaceuticals, Inc., developed Lithitate® and committed 50% of the profits to support medical research and charity. Some of this medical research will be on Lithitate®, in particular. In this way, one’s purchase of Lithitate® is an investment to advance medical knowledge and help people long into the future.

Only through research can progress be made. And, only through funding can research be possible.

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