Why is this important? Because dietary supplements manufactured outside of North America using ingredients sourced from countries with poor quality control standards may contain dangerous contaminants. Some contaminants found in unsafe levels in such dietary supplements are heavy metals including lead, arsenic and mercury as well as microbial contaminants including fungus and bacteria. These contaminants can cause brain damage and potentially serious infections. If you want your lithium dietary supplement to have all of its ingredients sourced from Canada and the USA and to have its quality and purity verified by the independent, 3rd-party NSF laboratory, Lithitate® is your only choice.
Why is this important? Because several studies conducted in rat and hamster cancer models have shown high-dose dietary orotate to increase the rates of many types of cancer including liver, pancreas, kidney and lung cancer. For these reasons, the European Food Safety Authority concluded in 2009 that use of orotate in dietary supplements “is of safety concern”. On the other hand, aspartate has never been shown to increase cancer rates in either animals or humans. Aspartate is a natural amino acid found in most of the protein that we eat every day. After reviewing all available animal and human safety data on aspartate use, the European Food Safety Authority concluded in 2008 that supplemental aspartate intake of 50mg/day “was not of safety concern” but 4,000mg/day or more “could be of safety concern” in terms of potentially causing an amino acid imbalance in the bloodstream. There is about 76mg of aspartate contained in one capsule of Lithitate®. Therefore, based on the extensive safety review performed by the European Food Safety Authority, there are no safety concerns consuming the amount of aspartate contained in one capsule of Lithitate®/day.
Unlike other dietary supplements that claim to improve memory in the short-term, Lithitate’s® active ingredient, lithium, supports long-term cognitive function and brain health with aging.*^ What is more important to you, short-term or long-term cognitive support?
Why is this important? If you want your lithium supplement to have the same capsule technology chosen by medical researchers, Lithitate® is your only choice.
50% of Lithitate® profits are devoted to medical research and charity. Only through research can progress be made. By choosing Lithitate®, you can feel good knowing that you are helping others today and long into the future.